Monday 9 October 2017

Ohene solidarizes with the atomic gas explosion victims and calls for proactive measures to ensure the safety of the citizenry

My heart bled profusely today at the site of the victims of the atomic gas explosion.
I in a long time teared, despite the numerous sites of similar cases we encounter on the wards.

It is very instructive to note, that, in fact, anyone can be a victim irrespective of your social status or whatsoever.
It is a charge then to everyone in position of trust in decision making or implementation to treat with urgency when it comes to matters relating to our safety and security.

It is not only enough to offer palliative care as a country when proactive measures could be taken to even prevent such avoidable incidences in the first place.

The country has recorded in recent past quite a number of such cases and I believe it is time we rose as a people and ensured the full and strict implementation of regulations concerning the sitting of these fuel stations.

We cannot continue to allow the very regulations we have set up to protect the citizenry to be treated with impunity.

I join the entire country and most especially the families of the affected to wish the injured speedy recovery and pray for a peaceful eternal rest for the lost souls.

Never again should we lose any life in such a painful manner!

Never Again!

#Amoakohene Frank