Saturday 5 August 2017


Good morning Comrades!
In fact most of you would recall that Utility bill as component of school fees was a hot spot last year and in the past few years.
Central government then took steps to force Utility bill components through the throats of the Ghanaian students which saw forceful resistance from the National Union of Ghana students, NUGS.
During those times, we at NUGS proposed various modalities towards ensuring that not only will payment of utility cease to be a burden on the Ghanaian Student, but also to ensure and cement the utmost fact that education is a right and not a privilege/preserve for the rich.
Sadly,  the 2017/2018 academic year starts with chants including the famous FEES MUST FALL, NO REDUCTION NO PAYMENT et al.  all in the vein of having a reduction in school fees.
Indeed, one of the worst situations that confront most students in Ghana is the uncertainty and the thought of how to pay school fees and register.
It must be made clear that the right to AFFORDABLE and QUALITY education is nonnegotiable.

Comrades, in adding our voices and registering our support to the calls for fees reduction, we also charge Central Government to work to implement the various inputs student Unions make concerning our future and as such matters relating to education; including the reforms as presented by NUGS from its Educational Conference last year.

We cannot be back here every year only to lament over school fees whilst ACTIONS that are to ensure progress are neglected.

Fees should not only fall, but also measures to prevent the rise in the first place must be implemented;  a charge to all stakeholders.
Education still remains a right!
Aluta Continua!

Amoakohene Frank
NUGS President Hopeful .
#Time for an Awakening
#Put NUGS First

Tuesday 1 August 2017



Comrades and Fellow students, accept my greetings and permit me to engage you for the next few minutes.

I am AMOAKOHENE FRANK, a Medical Student of University of Ghana, an active member of NUGS and a National Presidential candidate in the 2016 NUGS Elections.

Permit me to bring to your attention my intention to contest again this year for the High Office of the NUGS President at the 2017 NUGS Congress.

Undoubtedly, the spill off from the 2016 congress and the unrest at NUGS would make one worry to carry the burdens of the Union.
I am however of a strong conviction and agree in absolute terms that, giving up is not an option, and neither is looking on!

This is the root of my unrelenting effort and unwavering commitment to ensure that our Union, NUGS, regains its lost glory.

Fellow students, my message is simple, I come to you not in pretense as the most intelligent of all or as a prophet with a broad spectrum antidote to every problem of the Union.

What I do promise is this: that having subjected myself to learning and service to NUGS and the students of Ghana at large, as a former NEC Member of NUGS, former NAHSAG President, and Chairman for the NUGS @ 50 Central Planning Committee, I bring on board the required
#LEADERSHIP to ensure the forward March of our Union

When given the nod, I promise to lead a Union that you will be proud of.  I promise to work together with you as we fight for the ordinary Ghanaian Student who gave us the mandate.

My team and I, with you on board can make our Union work again!
Be part of the awakening and let's Put NUGS First.

I thank you and may God bless NUGS and Mother Ghana
Aluta Continua!
