Monday 9 October 2017

Ohene solidarizes with the atomic gas explosion victims and calls for proactive measures to ensure the safety of the citizenry

My heart bled profusely today at the site of the victims of the atomic gas explosion.
I in a long time teared, despite the numerous sites of similar cases we encounter on the wards.

It is very instructive to note, that, in fact, anyone can be a victim irrespective of your social status or whatsoever.
It is a charge then to everyone in position of trust in decision making or implementation to treat with urgency when it comes to matters relating to our safety and security.

It is not only enough to offer palliative care as a country when proactive measures could be taken to even prevent such avoidable incidences in the first place.

The country has recorded in recent past quite a number of such cases and I believe it is time we rose as a people and ensured the full and strict implementation of regulations concerning the sitting of these fuel stations.

We cannot continue to allow the very regulations we have set up to protect the citizenry to be treated with impunity.

I join the entire country and most especially the families of the affected to wish the injured speedy recovery and pray for a peaceful eternal rest for the lost souls.

Never again should we lose any life in such a painful manner!

Never Again!

#Amoakohene Frank

Sunday 24 September 2017

Thank you for being the reason I smile

All glory to the king eternal, immortal, the one true God.

Today has been wonderful and I honestly wish it never ends.
It is humbling and awe-inspiring, I must confess, to be trending within every space and to read kind words and best wishes from you.

I hardly make a big deal of my birthdays but you made this year different.
Everything about today got me to take stock of my life and to deeply reflect on how well I have lived, and to appreciate the quantum of work I need to do in order to serve God right, lead right and to keep being a blessing to you.

Your wishes to me, are actually responsibilities I need to take,
Your blessings are heights I need to attain, and your prayers are investments in me that need to yield results.

I deem this a huge charge and call to do more for this generation and posterity.

I would want to assure you that my commitment to these remans resolved and I would stop at nothing in achieving same.

I appreciate your support, encouragement,  and corrections to making me a better person and I am more confident that we would together attain more heights in the years ahead with same zeal and energy.

Once again permit me to thank you for being there for me and making my birthday awesome!

God bless you.
Amoakohene Frank

Saturday 23 September 2017

I am grateful to God

The past 365 days recorded some of both the worst and BEST moments of my life. The year took some things I cherished and as well brought me countless blessings. But through it all I count them abundant Joy and carry the lessons for the future.

The lord has been gracious to me. And I would be ungrateful not to appreciate his protection over my life and the wonderful things he blessed my life with over the year.
He is my King and would forever be.

I wish to appreciate my wonderful family for the love, encouragement and support in this life. I actually don't know what I would have become without the POWERS OF GRACE, such a great family.

Lastly I want to appreciate you, a great friend, mentor and family. You made my life better and brighter in the past year, you made me a better person and you encouraged me in everything that I did.

It is my prayer that the years ahead become mightier with more love and more blessings.

Amoakohene Frank is many years old today and I really appreciate God and you for everything that I am.

🎊🎊Happy Birthday to me 😀🎊🎊

Thursday 21 September 2017

Dr Kwame Nkrumah had one vital success drive: He lived for something.

Today tells a very important life lesson; that, it is not only enough to breath and be alive, you need to Live for something.
It can be be anything; what you believe in, others, your country etc.

Beyond the controversy, the life of a trans-generational leader like Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is worth celebrating.
He serves an inspiration to the youth of Africa and the world at large, because, he believed in Ghana and Africa and lived for same.

Osagyefo as a Freedom fighter in his pursuit of Ghana's/Africa's independence, Ideological and Economic freedom stopped at nothing at achieving these. This only describes a man with positive energy and an awakened conscience hungry for progress.

Dr. Nkrumah made this profound statement, that, "I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me".
Now, Ghana and Africa would see progress but only with our love for country and continent. Let Ghana be born in us, Let Africa be born in us. It is only with this that we would be able to ensure total progress.

Let us have respect for each other,
Let us develop passion to defend our country and  put her first at all times.

I urge every youth and every citizen to take a deeper reflection as to what we offer to the progress of mother Ghana, even as we observe the 2017 Founder's day.
I believe in Ghana
I believe in Africa

God bless us all!

Happy Founder's day.🎊🎊
Amoakohene Frank
NUGS President Hopeful

Saturday 5 August 2017


Good morning Comrades!
In fact most of you would recall that Utility bill as component of school fees was a hot spot last year and in the past few years.
Central government then took steps to force Utility bill components through the throats of the Ghanaian students which saw forceful resistance from the National Union of Ghana students, NUGS.
During those times, we at NUGS proposed various modalities towards ensuring that not only will payment of utility cease to be a burden on the Ghanaian Student, but also to ensure and cement the utmost fact that education is a right and not a privilege/preserve for the rich.
Sadly,  the 2017/2018 academic year starts with chants including the famous FEES MUST FALL, NO REDUCTION NO PAYMENT et al.  all in the vein of having a reduction in school fees.
Indeed, one of the worst situations that confront most students in Ghana is the uncertainty and the thought of how to pay school fees and register.
It must be made clear that the right to AFFORDABLE and QUALITY education is nonnegotiable.

Comrades, in adding our voices and registering our support to the calls for fees reduction, we also charge Central Government to work to implement the various inputs student Unions make concerning our future and as such matters relating to education; including the reforms as presented by NUGS from its Educational Conference last year.

We cannot be back here every year only to lament over school fees whilst ACTIONS that are to ensure progress are neglected.

Fees should not only fall, but also measures to prevent the rise in the first place must be implemented;  a charge to all stakeholders.
Education still remains a right!
Aluta Continua!

Amoakohene Frank
NUGS President Hopeful .
#Time for an Awakening
#Put NUGS First

Tuesday 1 August 2017



Comrades and Fellow students, accept my greetings and permit me to engage you for the next few minutes.

I am AMOAKOHENE FRANK, a Medical Student of University of Ghana, an active member of NUGS and a National Presidential candidate in the 2016 NUGS Elections.

Permit me to bring to your attention my intention to contest again this year for the High Office of the NUGS President at the 2017 NUGS Congress.

Undoubtedly, the spill off from the 2016 congress and the unrest at NUGS would make one worry to carry the burdens of the Union.
I am however of a strong conviction and agree in absolute terms that, giving up is not an option, and neither is looking on!

This is the root of my unrelenting effort and unwavering commitment to ensure that our Union, NUGS, regains its lost glory.

Fellow students, my message is simple, I come to you not in pretense as the most intelligent of all or as a prophet with a broad spectrum antidote to every problem of the Union.

What I do promise is this: that having subjected myself to learning and service to NUGS and the students of Ghana at large, as a former NEC Member of NUGS, former NAHSAG President, and Chairman for the NUGS @ 50 Central Planning Committee, I bring on board the required
#LEADERSHIP to ensure the forward March of our Union

When given the nod, I promise to lead a Union that you will be proud of.  I promise to work together with you as we fight for the ordinary Ghanaian Student who gave us the mandate.

My team and I, with you on board can make our Union work again!
Be part of the awakening and let's Put NUGS First.

I thank you and may God bless NUGS and Mother Ghana
Aluta Continua!


Saturday 11 March 2017


Life involves different forms of transitions from one stage to the other. More importantly, whatever one becomes in this life has everything to do with the kind of environment he found himself. I was born and bred in the Republic of Ghana, a West African state boarded by Togo to the east, Ivory Coast to the West, Burkina Faso to the north and the Gulf of Guinea to the south.
I grew up within an era where constitutional democracy was accepted and practiced for the governance of the country, subsequent to decades of alternating military and civilian regimes. I was born in 1990 at Nsuta-Asuafu, a town in the Ashanti region of Ghana. I am the third born of my parents, with 8 siblings to a father who was a teacher and a self-employed mother.
My struggle growing up is quite foreseeable considering the large family size I had, but as the Akan adage goes, “Obi nim obrmpong ashyase” (the beginning of greatness is unpredictable) so I always believed in the future. My dad being a teacher was very particular about education related matters and did all within his powers to ensure that I together with my siblings attain the best form of education. He taught us after school and ensured that we completed our assignments before allowed to go to bed.
Raised in a Christian home, I was brought up to respect humanity, commit to anything I find myself doing and ultimately, seek the hand of God in everything that I did. Admittedly, these values have contributed most to the heights I have attained so far as my life is concerned.
During teenage, I developed interest and passion for the medical profession and strived restlessly towards becoming a renowned one. I am currently a Medical Laboratory Scientist and a Medical Student pursuing the Graduate Entry Medical Program (GEMP) of the University of Ghana - exactly within the very professional area I have loved profoundly.
I must say that Ghana is a country where opportunities exist for all persons to become whatever they wish to become. However, one of the few challenges that ensue is the lack of access to educational carrier tutelage to assist the youth make the right educational decisions. I had to survive the tough way as I lost my dad after high school. He served not only as my father and guardian, but importantly as my educational advisor because he was a teacher. However, I was fortunate that my uncle and my elder siblings played his roles after his demise; a testimony of “agya bi wu a agya bi te ase (the raising of children is a communal responsibility) as believed in my Akan tradition. With this experience, I also learnt and have always strived to offer any support within my capacity to people I come across in life who may be in need, not only because I know the importance of giving, but also that I know how it feels not to have.
At the University level, I have actively participated in students’ leadership, serving as President for my school, college and also as President of the National Health Students' Association of Ghana (NAHSAG). Unquestionably in Ghana, there are avenues through which even as students, we could influence and help sharpen national policies. Youth participation in politics and governance for that matter has seen tremendous improvements over the years. Aside contributions made by youth and student leaders from the student’s front and other youth societies, successive Governments have been spectacular at incorporating the youth in their Governments. Young men and women here in Ghana, some as young as 23 years, have had the opportunity to serve their country as Members of Parliament, Deputy Ministers of State, Chief Executive Officers, and in other key political offices. These are very inspiring and drive me to do more and attain similar heights in pursuance of my desire to help build mother Ghana and make Her great and strong.

Beyond the approbation on Ghana’s progress over the years, my greatest worry as a youth of Ghana has been the increasing level of graduate unemployment and rise in the cost of education. I am of the opinion that our educational policies and directions are pretty off our core needs as a country, making it not operable enough for young graduates to directly translate knowledge acquired in school into societal services that may earn them some income. I therefore place a call on all and sundry to take particular interest in ensuring reforms in our educational and employment/labor sectors even as we surge on after Ghana’s 60th year.
Amoakohene has always been glad and proud of his country. Yes, there are difficult moments everyone experiences growing up, but so are there memorable moments. I took mine as life lessons and experiences to becoming a better person. Yes! I took them as lessons to make me resilient enough to face the world as it is!
Ghana has all you need to become successful as a youth! Ghana has all the opportunities required to give you the best future. Just keep focused and committed to everything you find yourself doing.
I love my country!
Long live mother Ghana
God bless us all.
Amoakohene Frank 
University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry