Monday 14 December 2015

50 years of NUGS


Our success story as a country can never be told without the "education factor". indeed, most of the things we see around us, the peace we enjoy, the developments we see hardly would have been achieved without education. 
I will without any equivocation or whatsoever agree to the fact that, education has now become the heartbeat of our existence as a people and inevitable to our progress and development as a country.
This country since
Colonial era through to Gold coast times and to present day Ghana has yes made remarkable strives towards the attainment of excellence so far as education is concerned.
These successes are never without the contribution of the National Union of Ghana Students, the pride of students of this country.
As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary of proactive student activism, I know and believe that the story of NUGS shall be told, a swot analysis of the Union shall be done, the original NUGS brand shall be restored and we shall finally reinstate the relevance of NUGS in our modern day Ghana so far as education and democracy among others are concerned.
NUGS may be challenged severally but will never die!
Long Live NUGS
Aluta Continua

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