Friday 4 December 2015

NAHSAG celebrates all Farmers

What we eat really has a huge bearing on our health as a people and indeed good health is inextricably intertwined with proper nutrition. It is on this premise that Hippocrates, the father of Medicine admonished humanity to “let food be thy medicine and let the medicine be thy food".
In fact Life expectancy at all levels can never be expressed without the food factor whiles all that we eat comes from the farmer.
This as a matter of fact tells how important the
farmer is so far as our health and the very basic requirements needed for the survival of humanity is concerned.
As the entire Nation celebrates our Great Farmers who have at all times served this country well, The National Health Students' Association of Ghana has no cause not to join all and sundry to congratulate our heroes and herons on their remarkable services to Mother Ghana. 
The relevance and contribution of our great farmers towards the Socio-economic development of our dear country can never be overemphasized on such a great day and we say ayekoo to all farmers of this great country.
We are Proud of you all, keep up with your selfless service, and may God bless you all bountifully.

Sampson Kafui Djonor
General Secretary

Amoakohene Frank

Peter Worlasi Adanu

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