Friday 1 January 2016

A Prosperous new year to you

Finally, we at our long awaited destination, the year 2016!
The year of excellence, 
the year of newness, 
the year that brings hope and above all massive breakthroughs in all aspects of life.
Yes, I know our resolutions for the year are numerous, but I strongly believe that we can and we will make remarkable strives towards actualizing them only with commitment and dedication. 
In this vein, let us challenge ourselves to step up both in our  actions and in our thinking, and I know that we shall be able to attain our new year resolutions in fullness.
Of course,
we cannot not have any better life if we continually do what we do the same way we have being doing them. And to me, the first 3 weeks of this year matters most so far as our performances in the year 2016 is concerned. 
This is because anything we do for 21 days becomes part of us... Oh yes...and I  pray that we start implementing the resolutions made for the year starting today with all alacrity. Let us preserver to live by that and we shall see  progress in all aspects of our lives. 
2016 shall be a blessing to us! 
Our academics shall see excellence! 
Our heart desires shall be actualized and above all success shall be our portion 

Stay safe and forget not your God in all your endeavors. 
I cherish you most! 
Happy new year once again

Your brother and friend
Amoakohene Frank 
President of NAHSAG and a fellow in the students struggle. 
God bless you!

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