Monday 18 January 2016

Ohene celebrates Mr Boye Williams

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle (source) or the mirror that reflects it.

Remarkably, you have not only been the light but also the reflector of the great potentials you are made of.
Your dedication, courage and commitment to purpose within the few moments I have known you speaks to nothing but of a forward looking fine gentleman with a vision for the youth of this country and beyond.
On this special day in history,
I wish to join the entire world to celebrate you on your birthday. I am positive that this day shall be a blessing to you the family and the entire student fraternity.
Keep on with the good works and keep striving for that which is honorable and worthy of commendation.

Remember that you are not just getting older but better!

Happy Birthday  Boye Williams  May God bless you.

Your brother in the students' struggle,
Amoakohene Frank

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